Hexahexaflexagon Tool

Welcome to the hexahexflexagon tool! If you print this (and cut, fold, and glue according to the instructions), you will get a kind of paper kaleidoscope, but that's just the beginning! You can add your own custom images and use the controls to position them in the hexagon, and make your very own hexahexaflexagon.

Simply choose the hex, and drag a picture to it (or use the buttons to pick a new picture or use the camera). You can scale with the mouse wheel and drag to position.

Choose (or take photos) 6 images

Optional text around the edges

Advanced Options

Creative Commons License
Flexagon by Dethe Elza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/dethe/flexagon.